The Graphics
Which chart works best to show my data and insight?
So which chart works best? Have a look at the few examples from the book.
1. Selecting the right chart
There are many available resources to guide you in determining the right chart for your data. Learn more at: http://becomingvisual.com/portfolio/chartpickers
2. Geocoding
Geocoding is the process of transforming a description of a location, such as an address, to a location on the Earth’s surface. This will take the form of numerical coordinates such as latitude and longitude. Reverse Geocoding is the process of converting numerical coordinates into a description of that location. Learn more at: http://becomingvisual.com/portfolio/geocode
3. Map projections
Geographical data is plotted on a map projection. The most common are Albers and Mercator. Select the most appropriate map projection for your data. Use the Mercator projection to preserve angles and shapes in small areas. The Mercator projection is also good for presenting connection maps that show routes and paths for directions. The standard Albers projection can be used to present U.S. census or government data. This equal-rectangular projection is a good option for thematic world mappings. Learn more at: http://becomingvisual.com/portfolio/mapprojections
4. Word Cloud
Learn more about software options for creating word clouds at: http://becomingvisual.com/portfolio/wordclouds